Grade: 1 - 5

Explorer Kit for One

The Explorer Starter Kit features 9 learning tools and their hands-on playing pieces, plus additional real-world creative tools.
1 Osmo Base
7 learning Tools
1 Teacher Guide
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Learning tools

1 set of plastic Words, Numbers, Tangram, Coding Bundle, Monster, 1 Osmo Base, and 1 Teacher's Guide


Words provides on-screen clues to mystery words. Students use letter tiles to spell their answers. Designed to feel like a challenging game, Words is a powerful tool to differentiate instruction.

Student Learning
What's included?


Develops the foundational skills surrounding letter recognition and decoding. As they gain proficiency and confidence, students are required to spell progressively challenging words.


Connects images to words and supports the creation of customizable albums of words and images.

26 blue letter tiles
26 red letter tiles
Stackable Storage


Tangram invites students to use tangible puzzle pieces to match on-screen shapes. With each success, the screen lights up in celebration.

Student Learning
What's included?

Spatial Reasoning

Encourages students to compare, manipulate, and transform geometric pieces to assemble the shapes.


Provides instant visual and auditory feedback during gameplay.

7 colorful tangram pieces


Numbers helps students dive into math. Moving number tiles in this undersea world makes math fast and intuitive.

Student Learning
What's included?

Number Sense

Fosters understanding of counting, relative values, addition, concatenation, and multiplication using physical tiles of dots and digits.

Cognitive Flexibility

Encourages experimenting with multiple solutions to mathematical problems through open-ended play.

10 of the “1” dot tiles
6 of the “2” dot tiles
4 of the “5” dot tiles
2 of the following tiles : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0

Coding Awbie

Coding Awbie introduces the foundational skills of programming as kids join Awbie on a strawberry-munching adventure.

Student Learning
What's included?

Computational Thinking

Teaches programming through exploring the functions of decomposed parts, detecting patterns, and crafting algorithms.

Logical Reasoning

Integrates the “loop” block that reflects multiplicative thinking and the “if this, then…” block that highlights cause-and-effect.

31 Tangible Coding Block Set
1 Stackable storage
Osmo Base not included

Coding Duo

Coding Duo presents challenging puzzles that require two levels of sequencing using collaboration and programming concepts.

Student Learning
What's included?

Computational Thinking

Introduces synchronized coding through exploring the functions of decomposed parts, detecting patterns, and crafting algorithms. The heightened complexity of the puzzles makes for a more challenging coding exercise.

Logical Reasoning

Integrates the “loop” block that reflects multiplicative thinking and the “if this, then…” block that highlights cause-and-effect while creating code cooperatively and synchronistically.

31 Tangible Coding Block Set
1 Stackable storage
Osmo Base not included

Coding Jam

Coding Jam focuses on the foundational skills of programming as students create music and beats of their very own.

Student Learning
What's included?

Computational Thinking

Teaches programming through exploring the functions of decomposed parts, detecting patterns, and crafting algorithms.

Logical Reasoning

Integrates the “loop” block that reflects multiplicative thinking and the “if this, then…” block that highlights cause-and-effect while listening to the composed musical pieces in real time.

31 Tangible Coding Block Set
1 Stackable storage
Osmo Base not included


Monster brings drawings to life. Students help Mo, a furry orange friend, by drawing his world and sharing an adventure with him.

Student Learning
What's included?

English as a Second Language

Cements understanding of new vocabulary and comprehension through interactive activities with Mo.

Listening Skills

Pulls students into a story in which Mo asks them to contribute specific drawings.

Dry-erase Markers
1 Fuzzy Storage Pouch

Osmo Base + Case

You asked.
We delivered.

New Osmo Base + Case

A case and base designed to withstand classroom wear and tear.

Osmo Funding Support

More than 9,000 projects for Osmo have been funded through federal and state programs.

Learn more
Tweet of a teacher excited about donor program